Online congress in defense of life

Welcome everyone to the 1st Online Congress In Defense of Life, promoted by the Guadalupe Association.In line with the moment we live in, of struggle and appreciation for each life, we will promote the first online congress of our Association, with the theme “The two lives matter”. It will happen in the midst of a delicate time in which we live and very conducive to looking at the value of each life.

The congress will take place online, through our facebook profile, we will bring several speakers and will address important topics such as motherhood, family, abortion realities in Brazil and life defense practices. The congress will take place on May 29, 30 and 31 with lectures and activities at different times.

Check out the complete schedule of our online congress in defense of life:

05/29 – Friday:

18h – Eucharistic Adoration (Father César)

8 pm – Right to Life – ADPF 442 (Dr. Danilo Martins and Dra. Lília Nunes)

05/30 – Saturday

10 am – Estimates of abortion in Brazil and in the world (Marlon Derosa and Dra. Lenise Garcia)

3 pm – Family, the Sanctuary of Life (Father Rinaldo Rezende and Dr. José Paulo Veloso Silva)

5 pm – Physical and mental consequences of abortion (Dr. Raphael Câmara and Dr. Patrícia Junges)

8 pm – Live show for Life – Mirella Costa on Instagram

05/31 – Sunday

16h – Practices in defense of life (Mariangela and Tonio)

19h – Closing Mass (Fr. Rinaldo)

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