
Guadalupe Association: A place of welcome and hope

Increasingly we are surprised by news that shows the insistent idea that the solution to many social problems – and even personal – is to literally discard human life (whether still in the womb or in a hospital bed). In the midst of this reality, houses of protection such as the Guadalupe Association, in São José dos Campos, in the interior of São Paulo, they are dedicated to the care of pregnant women in situations of social vulnerability. Guadalupe Association: A place of welcome and hope

“Baby Saviors: initiative helps needy mothers not to abort”

But although the work of the Guadalupe Association is recent, Mariângela’s history in the defense of life is over 10 years. It was in 2005, after participating in a Public Hearing in Brasilia, that she was called to be director of training and training for life in Brazil, having as mentor professor Humberto Leal Vieira, founder of the National Pro-Life and Family Association, and member of the Pontifical Academy for Life.

They were years traveling all over the country participating and giving lectures on the defense of human life, which guaranteed him a good baggage of knowledge on the subject. And then came the desire to do even more for pregnant women at risk and in 2013 was born the Virgin Association of Guadalupe, whose mission is to promote and defend human life from its conception to natural death.

“Pro-life and pro-family actions that every municipality should adopt”

Linked to the Diocese of São José dos Campos, the entity has already exceeded 6,000 attendances since its foundation. Always aiming at the integrity of the mother and baby, the house provides medical, psychological and social assistance to pregnant women and families seeking support.

The main differential of the house is in the courses of qualification and professional qualification. “Our concern is that the pregnant woman in a vulnerable situation will later not be able to generate income for her own survival and the baby that will be born,” mariângela explains. “That’s why we see the need to empower it to enter the labor market or generate income through autonomous services,” he adds.

Work of public utility

In June 2018, the association was recognized as a public utility in the municipality. For Mariângela this shows the good relationship that the house maintains with the municipal government and, mainly, the recognition that the Guadalupe Association “supply a social demand that is lacking in service by public agencies”.

With this recognition, another good news was received: the signing of a letter of intent for the assignment of a land. The process still awaits implementation in the city hall, but if the authorization of use happens, the members of the house already know very well the destination of the space. “Our goal is to build a better structure to expand our service, since we have a growing demand,” she concludes.

Source: Portal Sempre Família

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