The Virgin of Guadalupe Association is an institution dedicated to social assistance and the promotion of life from conception. We offer support to pregnant women in situations of socio-emotional vulnerability, through assistance, receptions, educational projects and courses that aim to strengthen family ties, entrepreneurship and income generation.

With a multidisciplinary team, we seek to provide comprehensive and comprehensive support, guided by ethical values and fundamental principles of the Christian faith. Together, we work to provide hope and opportunities for mothers and their families.

Welcoming pregnant women


Maternity Kits


Entrepreneurship Lecture

Pregnant women and cared for
Donated Maternity Kits
Basic Baskets
Professional training


The Guadalupe Association, since its creation, has been dedicated to helping pregnant women in vulnerable situations, offering support not only to them, but also to their families. Additionally, the organization provides support to seniors who choose to volunteer at its headquarters.


Be an international reference by 2030



– ⁠transparency

– ⁠social responsibility

– ⁠sustainability

– ⁠humanized service

– appreciation of life

Discover the Guadalupe Association

Learn a little about our history and testimonies

Associação Guadalupe

Em Defesa da Vida

Associação Guadalupe

Homenagem às Mães

Associação Guadalupe

Conheça a Associação Guadalupe

You can also donate through your invoices purchasing department in São Paulo.


“I had the grace to visit the Guadalupe Association. It is a pulse of life! It is a joy, a celebration, to be present in this place, because there, one feels that it is possible to save human lives: innocent, fragile, small, excluded lives. .. in a society where everything is disposable, there is a flame of hope there”

Dom Ricardo Hoepers

CNBB General Secretary

“The nobility and urgency of this cause lead me to love and help the Guadalupe Association, since its inception. It is the answer that our heart has always desired in the face of a problem faced by many women, who want to have children, but cannot know what to do in that moment of great social and psychological difficulty”.

Padre César Silva Rossi

Spiritual Director -Dioceste of Campo Limpo (SP)

Moms from Guadeloupe

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