Guadalupe Association
Maternity House of Pernambuco
The Casa da Gestante de Pernambuco was inaugurated on December 28, 2010, the day of the Holy Innocents, a date chosen in memory of a historic episode of Christianity, the killing of all children under the age of two born in Bethlehem, Judea, ordered by the king Herod in order to get rid of the newborn Jesus of Nazareth. It was administered by nuns of the Arca de Maria Fraternity and later by the O Caminho Fraternity. We currently have a group of lay volunteers (about twelve people) involved in the process of conducting this mission, with Father Renato Matheus as President.
We have about 15 pregnant women in follow-up, where we provide care focused on pregnancy, with the assistance of non-perishable and layette foods, as well as compliance with prenatal care. Due to the pandemic, handicraft workshops with pregnant women are suspended.
In our house we have: bedrooms, sewing workshop, shop (selling new and used parts), and a Chapel.
Customer Service Wednesday from 15: 00h
Location Cured 4- Jaboatão dos Guararapes- Pernambuco
Telephone contact: +55 81-99996.6605
Auxiliary House Rosa Mística
We are the Casa Auxiliadora Rosa Mística, nucleus of the Guadalupe Association based in the city of Caxias, Maranhão. The nucleus emerged in 2020 by the call of the members to join the fight for the pro-life cause. With the support and formation of Guadalupe we started the group and got in touch with the priest of our parish for the union with the parish and the diocese.
The group counts on the presence of people engaged in the pro-life cause and professionals from different areas able to help the mothers and families of Caxienses.
It is a recent group still in organization but we have already carried out two calls. We hope to help more and more and spread the pro-life cause in our region.
Mother of Mercy Association
The association develops philanthropic and social assistance actions, seeking to raise awareness of the preservation of life from conception to natural death.
It started on December 19, 2018, when it was founded, being the first Pro Vida house in Rio Grande do Sul with the purpose of disseminating and defending the inviolability of human life, in addition to the rights of the family, through working with pregnant women.
The work takes place by welcoming women in situations of vulnerability referred by health centers, CRAS, CAPS, community, hospitals, schools and parishes. Pregnant women receive professional support, food aid, trousseau and public transport.
With daily operation, the association has already attended 90 pregnant women and is open for activities three times a week. During this period, layette making, lectures, professional courses and visits by a nutritionist, physiotherapist, dentist, as well as a psychologist, lawyer and social worker, if necessary.
Location Rua São Caetano, 946, Centro – São Leopoldo
Telephone contact: +55 (51) 99522-6162
CASA MÃE OÁSIS DA IMACULADA is a non-governmental, non-profit institution that aims to promote human life in its biopsychosocial and spiritual dimension through comprehensive care and monitoring for pregnant women and puerperal women identified with weaknesses and / or ruptures in family bonds and in situations vulnerability or social risk. That is, we assist women and children in situations of extreme need by offering support, reception, psychological, medical, legal, layette, training in baby care and women’s health. Our intention is to value life and avoid abortion, depression, baby refusal, among other problems. This work has been developed for more than 3 years in the community of Barreiro and region. We are located in the Barreiro de Baixo neighborhood – BH / MG.
Mission: To love, support, guide and train. Assist and accompany pregnant women and puerperal women identified with weaknesses or rupture of family and affective bonds, and in situations of vulnerability or social risk. Manage family conflicts through social, psychosocial and spiritual guidance through a qualified team to provide care in a differentiated way, whose objective is the valorization of human life, in order to ensure the integrity of the woman and the baby, with guidance and referrals.
Vision: To be a reference in the Valuation of Life
Values: Humanization of service, ethics, commitment, solidarity, social responsibility and innovation.
The Association develops projects in the areas:
• Maternal and child health;
• Socio-assistance;
• Legal;
• Income generation workshops.
The Institution has three pillars:
• Assistance;
• Social Mobilization;
• Formation.
The principle of the dignity of the human person is a moral and spiritual value inherent to the person, that is, every human being is endowed with this precept and constitutes the maximum principle of the democratic rule of law: it is listed in the list of fundamental principles of the Brazilian Constitution of 1988 Thus, the Pro Vida Oásis da Imaculada Association fulfills its social role in the defense of fundamental rights, providing the society of Minas Gerais with a space for training and awareness in the exercise of citizenship.
Service From Monday to Friday from 08:30 to 18:00
Service Saturday from 08 to 13h
Family Cenacle
The Cenacle in Family is a Private Association of faithful under diocesan law, founded in August 2017, whose mission is:
To make houses of prayer for the Christian disciples, remembering the truth and reliving the experience of the disciples at Pentecost;
Build the domestic church so that the family, as a whole, is a missionary disciple, entirely dedicated to the service of the Church, in the words of Pope Francis: “Family Salt of the Earth and Light of the World”;
To work for the human and religious promotion of families, and above all to motivate the desire for HOLINESS to “all of your home”, and the light of the Gospel to build “Ecclesia Domus”.
Our meetings are fortnightly and take place in houses that are open to the charism.
Pro-Life themes are widely disseminated by members of our association, who are present at events for the cause.
Telephone contact: + 55 (11) 9 8291-0081
Pro-life nucleus of the Holy Femininity Apostolate
We are the nucleus for the life of femininity, we are part of the Santa Hildegarda Institute of Bingen and, as a group for life, we are one of the nuclei of the Guadalupe Association. We are based in Salvador, Bahia.
The nucleus emerged in 2020 inspired by the Pro-life movement, and by the call of young women who were available to fight for the cause. We started to have contact with many cases and act helping mothers and babies with layettes, milk, diapers, psychological support, consultations, in short, giving full support during and after pregnancy.
Arenas sport lives
It was born together with the Guadalupe association. A year later we started an event called “game for life”, forming a group that manages sports for life.
Kids Arenas – with training and games every Wednesday for boys from 5 to 12 years old Rua bernésias, square of the grapevine church from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm Thursday, I play for life with drug addicts.
Chapels for life Born 6 years ago in a chapel inside the hospital being restored and offered to repair life. We work in other chapels Casa dos cursilhos in Santo André, the Guadalupe Association chapel and the Santa Rita chapel uniting all the prayer groups in the region. attendance to pregnant women every Saturday from 8:00 to 12:00.
Totus Tuus Prayer and spirituality of the entire Santa Rita AV chapel project. Presidente Kennedy with Av. Goias. hours 20:00 to 22:00 thursday
Telephone contact: +55 (11) 9 7219-1519 – Anderson
Chapels for Life
We are the nucleus for the life of femininity, we are part of the Santa Hildegarda Institute of Bingen and, as a group for life, we are one of the nuclei of the Guadalupe Association. We are based in Salvador, Bahia.
The nucleus emerged in 2020 inspired by the Pro-life movement, and by the call of young women who were available to fight for the cause. We started to have contact with many cases and act helping mothers and babies with layettes, milk, diapers, psychological support, consultations, in short, giving full support during and after pregnancy.
Totus Tuus
We are the nucleus for the life of femininity, we are part of the Santa Hildegarda Institute of Bingen and, as a group for life, we are one of the nuclei of the Guadalupe Association. We are based in Salvador, Bahia.
The nucleus emerged in 2020 inspired by the Pro-life movement, and by the call of young women who were available to fight for the cause. We started to have contact with many cases and act helping mothers and babies with layettes, milk, diapers, psychological support, consultations, in short, giving full support during and after pregnancy.